Tips for preventing
teen driving distractions...
Worried about your teen texting and driving or riding with teens
who arent focused on the road? Research shows you are right
to be concerned. Young people are among the most avid users of
cell phones, smart phones and texting devices. And, according
to a 2010 survey by AAA and Seventeen magazine, more than half
of teen drivers reported using a cell phone while driving and
1 in 4 reported sending a text message while driving in the preceding
30 days.
Parents play a critical role in preventing distracted driving.
Follow these tips to help your teen develop safe driving habits.
Set a good
example every time you slide into the drivers seat and dont
pass on poor habits. Keep your mobile devices
stowed, reduce any other distractions and focus
on driving.
Before you
begin practice driving with your teen, create a teen driver contract
that includes strict ground rules related to
distraction. The AAA StartSmart Parent-Teen
Driving Agreement has some of these components already built in.
Explain to
your teen driver how to manage various distractions, such as eating,
drinking, chatting with a passenger,
reading a map, personal grooming, reaching
for things in the car or looking at people or objects unrelated
to the
driving task.
When you are
supervising your teens practice driving, stay off the phone
and help your teen pay attention to the road.
Dont make electronic distractions an
acceptable part of driving.
Prohibit your
teen from riding with teen drivers or transporting other teens
during the learning-to-drive process.
One of the most dangerous sources of distraction
for teen drivers, whether due to loud music, rowdy behavior or
peer pressure, is teen passengers. Traffic
Safety studies have found that carrying passengers, particularly
teens, greatly increases crash risk for drivers
under age 18.
